Facts About Rebound Relationship

A rebound relationship usually happens when a person who just had a break up quickly jumps to another relationship in just a short time. Rebound relationship does not occur right after a break up. Sometimes such relationship occurs if the person who is committed feels emotionally far from his/her partner, then he/she might get into a rebound relationship before he/she can put her present relationship to an end.

People usually tend to jump to a new relationship right after the break up for distraction. They wanted to be in another relationship in order for them not to feel the pain of the breakup. They cover the hurting feeling with so much love and affection they have for their partners. A person who just had a failed relationship usually gets involved in another relationship because of the fear to be alone. Most of the time relationship on the rebound is misconceived as a way to move on.

In some cases of rebound relationship, the person who just experienced a break up have the tendency to get to another relationship with expectations that his/her new partner will make up for everything including fixing the mistakes that had happened to him/her on his/her previous relationship.

For one person who just came from a long-term relationship that is full of lies and totally unfulfilling, rebound relationship will be his/her way to make up for the wasted time in his/her previous relation. As humans, we usually long for a relationship that is fulfilling and committed, thus, most of us jump to another relationship instantly. This is because of the desire of the person to correct the bad things in his/her previous relationship. Such desire can bring both good and bad effects.

Masking the pain is one of the major reasons why people get into a rebound relationship and this also becomes one of the major problems of the said relationship. If you came from a bad relationship and you jumped quickly to your present relationship, you probably are using your partner at the moment and sooner or later you might leave him/her after he/she already served his/her purpose. If you immediately got involved after a bad relationship, be honest and tell your partner about your intentions.

For those who are currently in rebound relationship, be careful with your partner who is on a rebound. It is best not to let him/her take charge in the relationship if you don’t want to get caught in a complicated relationship and eventually gets left behind because your partner already decided to move on. However, if you are still single and is longing for a committed relationship, you will never find it in a rebound relationship, but if you got involved in such, then let it develop and grow slowly.

Pain can help us become compassionate and understanding towards other people’s pain. It is best to let yourself heal first before getting to another relationship to ensure that you can get the best out of it.

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